According to a report by the World Bank Group and U.S.News, Uruguay has been chosen to be the best country to invest in for 2019
The Best Countries to Invest In ranking stems from the results of a global based survey and ranks countries based on the highest scores among nearly 7,000 business decision makers on a compilation of eight equally weighted country attributes: corrupt, dynamic, economically stable, entrepreneurial, favorable tax environment, innovative, skilled labor force and technological expertise. Uruguay has been chosen to be the best country to invest in for 2019. These are the top five countries.
Why Invest in Uruguay
- Uruguay is Latin America’s safest country!
- Top ranked in political and economic stability!
- Top ranked in transparency and lack of corruption!
- No social turmoil. There is a true middle class and Uruguay has South America’s lowest income gap.
- Solid legal system with respect of contracts and private property!
- Very good Health system!
- Mild climate!
- Well developed, good and modern infrastructure and doesn’t feel like a third world country!
- Pristine clean beaches along the whole coast!
- Fresh farmland meat, vegetables and fruits.
- You truly feel welcome in this country.
- Uruguay has no restriction on foreigners owning property.
- There are no restrictions on any property type like borderline property, beachfront etc. for foreign buyers. All you need to buy real estate in Uruguay is a valid passport. The government protects foreign investment by the country’s laws. Foreigners have the same property rights as Uruguayans and can carry out any economic activities they desire.
- No restriction on money in or out of the country (Repatriation of Capital). Foreign currency can be used: Euros, Dollars etc. No forced currency conversion. Banks offer accounts in US Dollars besides the local currency UY Pesos.