Unveiling Uruguay: A Closer Look at Uruguay in Numbers

Uruguay, a small country in South America, may not be on everyone’s radar when it comes to travel destinations or economic powerhouses. However, this often overlooked gem has much to offer in terms of natural resources, politics, economy, real estate, and tourism. In this blog post, we will delve into the numbers that make Uruguay unique and explore what makes this country truly special.

Natural Resources

Uruguay may be small in size, but it is rich in natural resources. The country boasts vast arable land, making it an ideal location for agriculture. With fertile soils and a temperate climate, Uruguay is a major producer of soybeans, rice, and wheat. In addition to arable land, Uruguay is also home to valuable minerals such as gypsum, iron ore, and granite. The country’s fishing industry is also flourishing, thanks to the abundance of fish in its waters.

Uruguay is also recognized worldwide as an important player in the meat industry. The country’s cattle are reared in a free-range system that benefits from a mild climate, fertile soils and abundant water from numerous rivers and streams. This ensures that the cattle are well cared for and thrive in their natural environment.

Aside from its agricultural and mineral resources, Uruguay is also known for its breathtaking scenery. From the rolling hills of the interior to the pristine beaches of Punta del Este, Uruguay offers a diverse range of landscapes for visitors to explore. The country is also a leader in hydropower, harnessing the power of its rivers to generate electricity.


Uruguay has a rich political history, with a strong tradition of democracy and political stability. The country is known for its progressive policies, including its legalization of marijuana and same-sex marriage. Uruguay has a multi-party system, with the Broad Front coalition holding power for over a decade. The current president, Luis Lacalle Pou, assumed office in 2020 and has focused on economic reform and investment in infrastructure.

Moreover, Uruguay stands out as the least corrupt country in Latin America, consistently ranking as one of the least corrupt nations globally. Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index consistently places Uruguay at the top of the rankings in the region, second only to Canada in the Americas.

This reputation for low levels of corruption has been attributed to a combination of factors, including a strong rule of law, an independent judiciary, and a culture of transparency and accountability in government. The country’s institutions are held in high esteem, and its government and public officials have a reputation for honesty and integrity.

Uruguay’s commitment to combating corruption has not gone unnoticed, with the country receiving praise from international organizations and allies alike. This reputation for integrity has also helped to attract foreign investment and foster economic growth, as businesses and investors feel confident in the stability and reliability of the country’s institutions.


Uruguay has a diverse and stable economy, with a strong focus on services, agriculture, and manufacturing. The country has a high GDP per capita compared to its neighbors, thanks in part to its strong social welfare system. Uruguay is a member of Mercosur, a regional trade bloc that promotes economic cooperation among its members. The country’s main exports include beef, soybeans, and dairy products, which are in high demand in international markets.

Uruguay is known as an egalitarian society with high per capita income, low inequality and poverty. Its middle class is the largest in the Americas. Despite the strong economy, inequalities persist due to structural limitations. A drought in 2022 highlighted Uruguay’s dependence on natural resources and the risks of climate change. The country is pioneering the development of financial instruments to tackle climate change, such as sustainability-linked bonds, to address these challenges.

In 2022, the economy grew by 4.9 %. Due to a severe drought, GDP growth is expected to fall to 2 % in 2023, but will rise again to 3.1 % by 2024. Currently, 6.4% of households live below the international poverty line of USD 6.85 per capita per day, which is 1.3 percentage points above the pre-pandemic level.

Real Estate

Uruguay’s real estate market has experienced significant growth in recent years, driven by domestic and foreign investment. The country’s stable economy and political climate make it an attractive destination for real estate buyers looking for a safe investment. The coastal city of Punta del Este is particularly popular with international buyers for its luxury properties and first-class facilities. In recent years, Uruguay has also seen an increase in eco-friendly construction projects that meet the growing demand for sustainable housing.

According to a report by El Observador, the real estate sector in Uruguay experienced a significant upswing in 2022. The buying and selling of properties has increased significantly, with transactions worth at least USD 2,215 million taking place over the course of the year.

The real estate market in Uruguay will continue to grow in the future: from 2024 to 2028, the market volume is forecast to increase by 4.51%. By the end of this forecast period, the market is expected to reach a total value of USD 295.30 billion in 2028. This expected growth demonstrates the resilience and potential of the real estate sector in Uruguay, making it an attractive investment opportunity for national and international investors.


Uruguay may be small, but when it comes to tourism, it has a lot to offer. The country is known for its beautiful beaches, charming colonial towns and a lively cultural scene. The coastal city of Montevideo is a popular destination for tourists and offers a mix of historic architecture, modern attractions and a lively nightlife. Punta del Este is also a popular destination, known for its luxury resorts, fine dining and glamorous nightlife.

In December 2022, Uruguay recorded a significant increase in visitor numbers with a total of 1,863,528 visitors, in stark contrast to the previous year when tourists were not allowed to enter due to the strict COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. This surge in tourism represented a positive turnaround for the country’s economy.

The momentum continued in 2023, when Uruguay welcomed a record 3,835,041 tourists, marking a remarkable growth in the tourism sector. This influx of visitors contributed to a total income of 1,776 million US dollars, a significant increase of 27% compared to the previous year.

The upturn in tourism has not only generated revenue for the country, but has also helped to boost various sectors of the economy such as hospitality, transportation and local businesses. Uruguay’s appeal as a tourist destination has clearly resonated with travelers who want to experience the country’s breathtaking landscapes, rich culture and warm hospitality.

All in All

Uruguay may be a small country, but it has a lot to offer: Natural beauty, political stability, economic growth, real estate opportunities and tourism potential. Whether you want to invest in real estate, discover a new culture or simply relax on a pristine beach, Uruguay has something for everyone.

If you’re thinking about investing in real estate in Uruguay, don’t hesitate to contact Team Haverkate for expert advice. With their extensive knowledge of the local market and years of experience in the industry, they can help you make informed decisions and achieve your investment goals.

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