Avoid These 10 Mistakes When Moving to Uruguay

Moving to a new country can be an exciting adventure, but it is important that you are well prepared and informed to avoid potential pitfalls. If you are considering moving to Uruguay, a beautiful and vibrant South American country, you should read on. In this article, we present the 10 biggest mistakes you should avoid when moving to Uruguay. By learning from the experiences of others, you can ensure a smooth and successful transition to your new home in Uruguay.

1. Not doing thorough research

Doing thorough research before moving to Uruguay is essential to ensure a smooth transition and understanding of the country. Here are some key areas to focus on for a comprehensive understanding:

Culture and Lifestyle

  • Learn about Uruguayan customs, traditions, and social etiquettes.
  • Familiarize yourself with local festivals, music, literature, and cuisine.
  • Understand the importance of family and community in Uruguayan culture.

Cost of Living

  • Research the average cost of accommodation, utilities, transportation, and groceries.
  • Compare prices in different regions to determine which areas suit your budget.
  • Consider other factors like healthcare, education, and recreational activities when assessing the cost of living.


  • Research the healthcare system in Uruguay, including both public and private options.
  • Understand the coverage provided and any mandatory insurance requirements.
  • Familiarize yourself with the availability and quality of healthcare facilities in your desired location.
  • Check the visa requirements and necessary documentation for your specific circumstances.
  • Research the process and timeframe for obtaining residency permits, if applicable.
  • Understand the tax obligations and any legal restrictions pertaining to employment or starting a business.

Relocation Services

  • Consider consulting relocation services or reaching out to expat communities for advice and support.
  • Seek guidance on logistics, such as renting or buying property, obtaining utilities, and opening bank accounts.
  • Connect with locals, expats, and online forums to gather firsthand information and advice.

By conducting thorough research on these aspects, you will be better prepared for the move, ensuring a smoother transition and an easier adjustment to life in Uruguay.

2. Underestimating the cost of living

When planning your budget for living in Uruguay, it is important to consider the relatively higher cost of living compared to its neighboring countries. Here are a few key factors to keep in mind to ensure your budget reflects this reality:


The cost of renting or buying property in Uruguay can be higher compared to neighboring countries. It’s essential to research and factor in expenses like rent or mortgage payments, property taxes, and utilities. The cost of accommodation will vary significantly depending on the location within Uruguay.

Food and groceries

While local produce and basic food items may be affordable in Uruguay, imported or specialty foods can be relatively expensive. Dining out at restaurants or cafes can also add to your expenses. Consider budgeting accordingly and explore local markets for affordable options.


While public transportation options like buses are relatively affordable in Uruguay, owning and maintaining a vehicle may be costly. Fuel prices, insurance, parking fees, and vehicle maintenance should be taken into account when budgeting for transportation expenses.

Health care

Uruguay has a good healthcare system, but private healthcare can be expensive. Ensure you have appropriate health insurance coverage or budget for medical expenses to avoid unexpected costs.


The citizens of Uruguay receive free public education, from early childhood education to higher education, without any financial burden. However, international schools, private universities, and language courses may have higher fees compared to neighboring countries.


Uruguay has a progressive tax system, and taxes can have an impact on your budget. Research and understand the tax rates, including income tax, property tax, and value-added tax (VAT), to accurately estimate your expenses.

Entertainment and leisure

Uruguay offers a vibrant social scene, with a lot of entertainment options and recreational activities. However, attending concerts, theater performances, or engaging in recreational activities like sports clubs or gyms may come with a higher price tag. Budget accordingly for leisure and entertainment expenses.

3. Ignoring the visa requirements

Visa requirements are crucial to consider when planning to live, work, or retire in Uruguay. The specific visa requirements vary depending on your nationality, and it is important to thoroughly understand and fulfill them. Failing to meet the visa requirements can lead to legal issues or even deportation. Therefore, it is essential to research and comply with the necessary visa regulations before making any plans to reside in Uruguay.

4. Not considering healthcare options

Uruguay has a well-regarded healthcare system, known as the Sistema Nacional Integrado de Salud (SNIS). This system provides universal coverage to all citizens and residents, ensuring access to medical services and treatments.

Under the SNIS, there are both public and private healthcare providers. Public healthcare is funded through taxes and contributions from employers and employees. While public healthcare is generally of good quality, there can be long waiting times for specialized treatments and surgeries.

To complement the public system or access additional benefits, many people in Uruguay choose to have private health insurance. Private health insurance companies offer various plans that cover medical expenses not fully covered by the public system. It is important to note that private health insurance is not mandatory but can be beneficial for those who seek more comprehensive coverage and faster access to specialized care.

Uruguay has Mutualistas, a private health insurance company that offers comprehensive health services to private individuals. As a member of a Mutualista, you have access to a network of private hospitals and clinics where you can receive a wide range of medical treatments and services. Whether it’s routine check-ups, diagnostic tests, surgical procedures or emergency treatment, Mutualistas offer comprehensive healthcare to their members. By joining a Mutualista, you can ensure that your medical needs are covered and that you receive quality care at designated healthcare facilities.

When considering private health insurance in Uruguay, it is essential to research and compare the different options and insurance providers. Some factors to consider include coverage limits, waiting periods for pre-existing conditions, cost of premiums, and options for added benefits such as dental or vision care.

To avoid unexpected medical expenses, it is advisable to carefully review the coverage and terms of any health insurance plan. Additionally, understanding the medical services covered by the public system and the associated waiting times can help manage expectations and plan accordingly.

5. Failing to connect with the local community

Here are some recommendations from Team Haverkate on how to connect with the local community in Uruguay:

Attend community events

Keep an eye out for local festivals, markets, or cultural events happening nearby. Participating in these events will allow you to meet and interact with locals who share similar interests.

Learn Spanish

Although many Uruguayans can communicate in English, learning some basic Spanish will help you engage more effectively with the local community. Take language classes or use language learning apps to improve your skills.

Join clubs or organizations

Look for clubs or organizations in your area that align with your hobbies or interests. Whether it’s a sports club, an art group, or a volunteer organization, joining these groups will provide opportunities to meet locals who share similar passions.


Find volunteering opportunities in your community. Whether it’s helping at a local school, assisting in a charity event, or working with an environmental organization, volunteering will not only allow you to give back but also connect you with locals who are passionate about making a positive impact.

Participate in local sports

Uruguayans are passionate about sports, especially football (soccer). Consider joining a local football team, golf club or participating in other sports activities. This will not only help you stay active but also provide a great opportunity to bond with locals over a shared enthusiasm for sports.

Explore neighborhood cafes and restaurants

Uruguayans love their food and take pride in their culinary traditions. Explore local cafes and restaurants to taste traditional dishes and strike up conversations with the owners or fellow patrons. This will give you a chance to learn more about the local culture and make new friends.

Share cultural experiences

Organize cultural exchange activities where you can share your own culture with locals, such as hosting an international dinner or organizing a presentation about your home country. This will create opportunities for locals to engage with you and learn more about your background while also allowing you to learn about theirs.

6. Forgetting to update important documents

Notify your home country’s authorities. Contact your local government offices such as the tax department, voter registration office, and any other relevant authorities to inform them about your move to Uruguay. They may require you to fill out specific forms or provide documentation to update your information.

Updating your address and legally required documentation is crucial to avoid potential complications or delays in receiving important documents. Taking the time to notify the relevant authorities and institutions will help ensure a smooth transition to your new country of residence.

7. Not having a backup plan

Having a backup plan is indeed a wise strategy in any endeavor, including moving to a new country like Uruguay. Here are a few reasons why having a contingency plan is important:

Unexpected Challenges

No matter how well you plan, unforeseen circumstances can arise during your move. These may include delays in paperwork processing, issues with finding suitable accommodation, or difficulties navigating the bureaucracy in a foreign country. Having a backup plan can help you tackle these challenges and prevent them from derailing your move.

Financial Security

Moving to a new country often involves significant expenses, such as visa fees, shipping costs, and initial living expenses. If you encounter financial setbacks or find it difficult to secure a steady income in Uruguay, having a backup plan can provide you with financial security. This may involve saving additional funds or exploring alternative sources of income.

Job Market Uncertainty

While Uruguay has a stable economy and a relatively low unemployment rate compared to other countries in the region, finding suitable employment can still be a challenge. Having a backup plan, such as exploring different job opportunities or considering freelance or remote work options, can help you navigate the job market and ensure your financial stability.

Health and Safety

Moving to a new country involves adjusting to a different healthcare system and understanding local safety protocols. In case of any unforeseen health issues or safety concerns, having a backup plan that includes researching local hospitals, knowing emergency contact numbers, and having necessary insurance coverage can provide peace of mind.

8. Relying solely on online information

Relying solely on online information when moving to Uruguay may not provide a comprehensive understanding of the country’s culture, customs, and practical aspects of living there. Here’s why it is important to go beyond online resources:

Local Insights

Expatriate communities and local residents can provide firsthand experiences and insights that may not be readily available online. They can offer practical advice on various aspects of living in Uruguay, including finding housing, navigating the healthcare system, understanding local customs, and identifying reliable service providers. Connecting with expat groups or engaging with locals can help you gain a deeper understanding of life in Uruguay.

Personalized Guidance

Online information may lack the nuance and personalization needed to address your specific needs and circumstances. By hiring a relocation consultant, you can receive personalized assistance tailored to your requirements. They can provide guidance on legal and administrative processes, help with finding suitable housing, and offer insights into local amenities and services. A relocation consultant can be a valuable resource to ensure a smooth transition to Uruguay.

Networking Opportunities

Expatriate groups or online forums can provide opportunities to connect with individuals who have already made the move to Uruguay. They can share experiences, offer advice, and potentially even help you build a network of contacts in your new country. These connections can be helpful in various aspects of your life, including career opportunities, social integration, and accessing local information.

Cultural Integration

Understanding the local culture is crucial for a successful transition to a new country. While online resources can provide general cultural information, it may not capture the nuances and subtleties of daily life and interactions. Engaging with locals or participating in cultural events can help you better adapt to the local customs, traditions, and social norms, fostering a sense of belonging and integration.

Real-time Updates

Online information can sometimes be outdated or inaccurate. By connecting with expat communities, you can receive real-time updates on any changes in regulations, procedures, or events that may affect your relocation plans. This ensures that you are well-informed and can make any necessary adjustments accordingly.

9. Not saving enough money

Moving to a new country can indeed bring about unexpected expenses, and it is crucial to have sufficient savings to cover these costs and emergencies when relocating to Uruguay. Here are some steps to help you ensure you are saving enough money:


Assess your current financial situation and create a realistic budget that includes all your expenses, both regular and one-time. Account for housing, transportation, utilities, groceries, healthcare, education, and any other foreseeable expenses.

Initial Costs

Moving to Uruguay will entail various initial costs, such as visa fees, travel expenses, shipping costs, and potential rental deposits. Calculate these costs and ensure you have enough savings to cover them comfortably.

Emergency Fund

It’s crucial to have an emergency fund in case unexpected circumstances arise. Aim to save at least three to six months’ worth of living expenses as an emergency fund, to provide a safety net in case of unforeseen events or job loss.

Seek Financial Advice

Consult with a financial advisor or an expert who specializes in international relocation. They can provide tailored advice based on your specific situation and help you make sound financial decisions.

Plan for Income Generation

If possible, explore potential job opportunities or ways to generate income once you arrive in Uruguay. Having a source of income will alleviate financial stress and provide stability during your transition.

10. Not exploring different regions

Uruguay has a lot to offer in terms of diverse landscapes and rich culture. From beautiful beaches to charming colonial towns and rolling hills, each region of Uruguay has its unique appeal. Therefore, it is essential not to settle on a location without exploring different regions to find the best fit for your preferences. Here are some reasons why exploring different regions of Uruguay is important:

Varied Landscapes

Uruguay is blessed with a diverse range of landscapes. The country boasts over 400 kilometers of coastline with picturesque beaches, such as Punta del Este and La Paloma. Inland, you can find rolling hills, fertile plains, and even wetlands. Exploring different regions allows you to experience the breathtaking beauty of Uruguay’s various landscapes and find the one that resonates with you the most.

Cultural Diversity

Each region of Uruguay has its own distinct cultural characteristics and traditions. The capital city of Montevideo offers a vibrant cosmopolitan atmosphere with a mix of modernity and history. On the other hand, the historic towns of Colonia del Sacramento and Carmelo provide a glimpse into Uruguay’s colonial past.

Lifestyle and Activities

Depending on your preferences, different regions of Uruguay offer a range of activities and lifestyles. If you are a nature lover, you might find the coastal regions or the rural areas more appealing, with opportunities for hiking, horseback riding, or birdwatching. On the other hand, if you prefer a lively urban lifestyle with access to cultural events, nightlife, and shopping, exploring cities like Montevideo or Punta del Este might be more suitable for you.

Climate and Seasonal Variations

Uruguay experiences seasonal variations, and each region has its own microclimate. The coastal areas are generally milder with pleasant sea breezes, while the interior can be hotter in summer and colder in winter. By exploring different regions, you can experience the climate and seasonal changes firsthand and choose the one that suits your preferences.

Real Estate and Cost of Living

Exploring different communities allows you to explore the real estate market and compare the cost of living. Prices can vary significantly depending on the location and demand. By taking the time to explore different regions, you can find the best fit for your budget and lifestyle.

Expert tips for choosing the perfect real estate agent when moving to Uruguay

When moving to a new country like Uruguay, choosing the right real estate agent can indeed have a significant impact on your buying or selling experience. However, it’s essential to conduct thorough research and consider various factors before deciding on an agent or agency.

Team Haverkates, may be a well-regarded team within the real estate community in Uruguay, known for their expertise and services. Here are some general tips to ensure you’re choosing the right real estate agent, whether it’s Team Haverkates or another professional:

  • Research: Look into multiple real estate agencies and agents. Check out their websites, online reviews, testimonials from previous clients and what the press and other media say about them.
  • Experience: Consider agents with significant experience in the Uruguayan market, especially those familiar with the specific region where you are looking to buy, sell, or rent.
  • Language skills: If you’re not fluent in Spanish, finding an agent who speaks your language or has a team that can facilitate communication is crucial. Team Haverkate is proficient in Spanish, English, French, German, and Dutch, and possesses a deep comprehension of the cultural perspectives of buyers, which may significantly diverge from South American norms regarding property inspections, disclosures, and related processes.
  • Local knowledge: The agent should have in-depth knowledge of the local real estate market, including pricing trends, neighborhoods, and legal requirements for property transactions.
  • Legal representation: In Uruguay, real estate agents often act as intermediaries without providing full legal representation. It might be beneficial to hire a notary public (escribano) to handle the legal aspects of the transaction, as it is a standard practice in Uruguay.
  • Representation: While an agent can represent both the buyer and the seller in some cases, it’s important to understand your agent’s role. In dual agency situations (where the agent represents both sides), there may be a conflict of interest. Make sure you’re comfortable with this arrangement, or seek exclusive representation.
  • Accreditation: Check if the agent or agency is accredited by any reputable real estate associations in Uruguay, which can serve as a sign of professionalism and adherence to ethical standards.
  • Communication: Ensure that your agent communicates effectively and keeps you informed throughout the process. You want an agent who is responsive and attentive to your needs.
  • Negotiation skills: Your agent should have strong negotiation skills to help you secure a fair deal.
  • After-sale service: A good agent will assist you beyond the transaction, helping with the transition into your new property or with any post-sale issues that might arise.

Remember, it’s advisable to meet with several agents before making your decision, and don’t hesitate to ask for references or to speak with past clients to get a better understanding of their experiences.

In the Final Analysis

Moving to Uruguay can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it’s essential to be aware of the potential mistakes others have made in the past. By avoiding these 10 common missteps, you can save yourself a lot of unnecessary stress and frustration. Remember to research the country, its laws, culture and lifestyle thoroughly before you move. Seek advice from locals, expats and professionals to ensure a seamless transition. With the right preparation and knowledge, your move to Uruguay can be a truly rewarding and successful endeavor.

If you’re planning a move to Uruguay, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Team Haverkate. With their multilingual capabilities and cultural insight, they are well-equipped to provide you with outstanding service and a deep understanding of both your needs and the local real estate market. Their expertise in navigating the intricacies of Uruguayan property inspections, disclosures, and transactions can be invaluable. Contact Team Haverkate today to ensure that your move to this beautiful country is as stress-free and enjoyable as possible.

Good luck with your move!

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