Uruguay is the Best Place for Auctions
This old selling method is currently going strong and Uruguay is the best place for auctions. All kinds of auctioned items for buyers who not only buy but enjoy the activity are available at the best auction places in Uruguay.
A smiling buyer leaves Castells & Castells with a two panel door that would have cost him USD 300 in the market and managed to get it for only USD 50. There are still thousands of items for auction every week in Montevideo.
„Thousands“ is not an exaggeration. On a tour of the different facilities of the different auction places in Montevideo, a wide variety can be seen, from used jewelry and great value paintings to industrial machinery, from antique furniture to LCD TVs, from fur coats to books and mattresses. And the list seems endless.
Auction Culture
Every week, the huge warehouses empty and then fill up their extensive warehouses again, some are over 10 thousand square meters full of items to be auctioned.
Advantages of Auctions in Uruguay.
Auctioning as it is done in Uruguay is a very transparent way to sell. It’s the closest thing to a perfect market.
The advantages of this trading method are clear and at the same time practical for all parts involved. First, it solves several problems for the private seller on how to get rid of items that are not wanted any more but it also avoids the insecurity of having strangers at the seller’s home to complete the transaction. It is a quick sale and the cash is collected immediately.
For the buyer, it is the opportunity to purchase products, used or new, sometimes not available in the traditional market and at very competitive prices .The only disadvantage is that there are neither warranties nor credit systems.
Different items arrive from different places. Many companies have a leftover stock of hard goods, which have been unsold for a long time because they are damaged. Also there are firms that close and liquidate all their merchandise. And there are manufactured products that sell well in auctions in Uruguay, especially designed items.
Surprises at Auctions in Maldonado
Some believe that some old items are valuable but this is not so. They think items such as furniture are very expensive but many times the price drops a lot.
But it is also true that antiques are those who can give the biggest surprises and bids at auctions. Among the items that have been sold at astounding prices is the case of an old suitcase, which had been estimated at USD 90 and was sold at USD 500. The price also depends on the desire of the buyers to acquire the items.
Social Encounters at the Auction in Montevideo
There are those who are looking for a specific product but there are many curious people who just come to take a look and see how the auction develops.
The places are always full a wide variety of public from the humblest to the most powerful person, from international millionaire who comes to search for a work of art to the one who is in need of a refrigerator, everyone is present at auctions. Also Brazilian buyers are always present to buy unique silverware and porcelain to be sold later at the flea markets of Sao Paulo and Rio.
Hidden Treasures in Sight at Auctions in Montevideo
It does not happen often, but it has happened that there are sellers with something to auction with no idea of their value and that the price is much higher than they think. Just last March 2014, they found a picture of significant value, which was a special artwork and they finished auctioning the piece at ten times the asking price. When the owner came to collect the cash, he could not believe it.
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